What To Expect From Chiropractic in Springfield VA

We all know how it feels to contact a new place and to be made to feel unimportant. At Family Chiropractic of Springfield our first priority is respect for you, your problems and your concerns. You will always be greeted by phone or face to face by a smiling, caring staff member whose primary objective is to meet your needs. Our doctors and staff in Springfield VA know their stuff, and they will be happy to answer all your questions and make your visits very comfortable.
Treatment in Springfield VA
Once the doctor has collected all your important information, we will determine the best way to proceed. Most times that means we will do something to immediately begin your care. We understand that you want help and we are ready to begin the process.
This may mean the application of physiotherapy modalities and guidance on what you can do at home to help self-manage your problem. The doctor will determine the best Chiropractic Technique for your current situation and administer care only when considered safe and appropriate.
Complete Evaluation
We begin by studying the written information you provide on the Confidential Patient Information form we ask you to complete prior to our first meeting. You may do this in advance by printing the forms directly from this website under "Patient Forms." Or you are welcome to complete the intake forms when you arrive for your initial visit.
Next, we review any reports or test information you provide. If you have access to recent X-rays, MRI, CT, EMG's or any test pertaining to your problem, please bring them along. This information is of great value as it provides guidance and history and will help our doctors assess your current condition. This will also save time and reduce the need for re-testing.
Then, we will sit privately in our comfortable consultation room and talk. This is a great time to evaluate your struggles and the doctor will ask many questions, which will lead to an assessment of how you have gotten to this point. Additionally, it's your opportunity to "size-up" the doctor. You are welcome to ask any question you'd like. We want you to be comfortable with your decision to seek care at Family Chiropractic of Springfield. Now in our 28th year, we feel that most of our patients are like family.
Once all this information is gathered, the doctor will begin a thorough Orthopedic and Neurologic Exam. This will include a large variety of standard tests used to identify the location and cause of your areas of concern. The doctors also perform specialized Chiropractic testing geared toward the evaluation of spinal function and balance. You are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, as you will be asked to move and turn in all directions. Structure determines function and our doctors are highly trained and experienced in determining the location of the dysfunction.
Finally, the doctor may prescribe spinal x-rays. We have an on-site modern digital X-ray facility and will be able to view images in just seconds. The power of digital imaging has added a new dimension to revealing spinal problems. Patients are fascinated to see the images appear before their eyes. There are times when X-rays won't be taken, such as in pregnancy or with children. Additionally, it may be necessary to prescribe other tests outside the office.
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
Family Chiropractic of Springfield
8440 Old Keene Mill Rd
Springfield, VA 22152